- Figma Creator Micros + wrk. Together keysets have entered production (ETA still Q2 2024)
- Figma Creator Micro silent switches are now Reds, instead of Browns
- Nomad E shipping delayed (mid – late) Q2 2024
- Nomad E top shell + secondary molds will be finished early February
- Nomad E keycap molds will be finished April 5-20th
- Nomad E firmware v1 works -now it needs to be optimized for community widget creation
Hello everyone👋
Ok pretty big update incoming! This year got off to a bit of a rough start with Mattia and I both getting sick and dealing with a huge influx of inquiries from the Figma collab, but we’re back at it now – thanks for waiting patiently while we get back into gear!
Figma Creator Micro ⚙️
After getting some early customer feedback we decided to switch the switches in the silent option to Reds, instead of Browns. This will not have an impact on anything visual, it was mainly because the only difference customers really noticed between the 2 types of switches was that the Reds were actually more silent than the Browns. So all silent Micro customers will now have an even more silent Micro with the linear Red switches.
Since we did all the prototyping for this collab before we made the announcement, the first batch of Figma Creator Micros have already entered production, along with the accompanying wrk. Together keyset. That being said the fulfillment date is still Q2 2024 (ie. May-June), once we have a more specific date you will be notified. For all the latest ETAs look on the product page below the product name – don’t email us… fr I’m about to have to hire someone just to answer these types of emails from how many we’ve gotten.
It’s on the stove guys, let it cook – I promise it will be great!

Nomad [E] ⚙️
We made big progress with the Nomad E over the last month and a bit on the firmware and hardware fronts. All the molds have been paid for and in production now. The keycap molds will take a bit longer to produce as our manufacturer has lots of orders for molds. We also needed to do a revision to the design file as the 1U keycaps were good, but the thickness for the >1U keycaps (specifically the spacebar) was too thin and made the long keycaps at risk of snapping… Obviously we needed to fix that!
That being said the manufacturer told us the earliest he could have our keycap molds ready by is April 5th, which unfortunately puts our shipping date into mid-late Q2 2024, since we need at least 1 month to account for the shipping by boat from China.
The good news is the 3D printed prototypes are coming out really nice for the rest of the parts! Check them below:
Incline stand
Initial tests with the 3D printed incliner, which you see in the video below, went well. The magnets don’t make any tapping sounds while in use, and it’s easy enough to remove without being too easy.
All the black parts you see in this video are 3D printed and are not representative of the surface finish, or precision, of the final injection molded product – this is just a prototype.
Top housing
We were hoping to get some production samples of the the top shell before the CNY, but they weren’t able to finish the mold in time. That being said we should have production samples of the injection molded top shells by mid-February.
So after a lot of back and forth trying to create the perfect solution for the stabilizers, we decided depart from the idea of custom LP stabilizers. Turns out the costs of creating dedicated molds for the stabilizers, custom wires, and labor costs of installation, are more than the cost savings of having one PCB for both layouts. All to say we will be using regular stabilizers, which will also help ensure the boards sound the best they can since we won’t need to reinvent the wheel to get the acoustics right. We spent quite a bit of time on doing all this, but hey! No stone left unturned for you guys, we are aiming for the best solutions here.
We’ve completed the V1 of our firmware to confirm all the functionality promised for launch.
Now that we have it all working, we need to optimize it for two things – on-board memory, and community widgets.
Although the V1 firmware works, it’s not ideal for a public release, as to make it optimized we will need to rewrite it in a better way. This could technically be pushed out with a firmware update after fulfillment, but we don’t want the first experience with your Nomad E to be one of a mandatory firmware update😪
So while the molds are being produced we will continue to polish the firmware – until then checkout the Nomad E in action!👇
Software (Input) 🎛️
Recently we’ve been working on polishing Input with some quality of life stuff (below is a simple resizing demo). We’re also reading the comment sections of competing configurators to understand what you guys really want in practice.
Extras ⌨️
We have received many requests for our top shell/keycaps/dials for the Nomad E to be sold separately so we have also being working on the packaging for these extra products. Here are some early concepts!
That’s it for now!
– Mike
Co-Founder @ work louder inc.